California Supreme

Pepper Sweet

California Supreme

A medium early, higher yielding variety which produces large blocky dark green to red fruits. The 4-lobed fruit are very uniform, smooth and about 10,5 cm x10,5cm in size and weigh approximately 180g on average. The fruit walls are medium to thick. The variety has the typical compactness of California Wonder but has a more strong growing frame.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
مرض فلفل HR:


الفلفل الحلو: أحمر كبير
Hybrid: لا
الإنتاج: حقل مفتوح, محمي
Season: الربيع, الصيف, الخريف
النضج: مبكر, متوسط


النبات: متوسط


ممتلئ الجسم: كبير
الفاكهة: متوسط, صلب
الفاكهة بالغرام: 180