BB BED 0923

Bean Dwarf french bean

BB BED 0923

Dwarf French bean with dark green pod color in Large size (9,0-10,5 mm), Sybaris type with a bigger seeds size

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
Bean disease HR:
Bean common mosaic virus - BCMV
Anthracnose - Cl (L)

Bean disease IR:
Beet curly top virus - BCTV
Halo blight - Psp
Rust - Ua


Days to maturity: 60 - 65
Time of maturity: Medium


Habit: Medium
Vigour: Strong


Diameter: Large: 9 - 10,5mm
Length: 13 - 14 cm
Colour: Medium dark green
Set continuance: Medium
Straightness: Straight