BB STM 1085 F1

Tomato Determinate

BB STM 1085 F1

Very high yielding, medium early variety which can stand hard conditions very well. Even in very hot conditions the flower drop and abortion is very limited. The variety is continuous and works well in hot&dry areas. The fruits are very uniform and firm which helps for long transportation.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
Tomato disease HR:
Torrado virus-ToTV
Bacterial speck-Pst
Tomato mosaic-ToMV
Fusarium-Fol 2

Tomato disease IR:
Tomato spotted wilt-TSWV
Tomato yellow leaf curl-TYLCV
Root-knot Nematode-Ma/Mi/Mj


Hybrid: Yes
Season: Spring, Summer
Time of maturity: Early, Medium


Cover: Closed
Vigour: Medium, Strong


Shape: Elongated
Colour: Red
Weight (grams): 140-160
Set continuance: Continuous
Firmness: Firm
Tomato calyx: Jointless (harvested without calyx)