Nala F1

Pepper Sweet

Nala F1

This large, long blocky F1 hybrid pepper is excellent for outdoor planting on a large scale. It forms good fresh green fruit that will turn red but is ideal for green pick markets. Combined with a good disease resistance package it is ideal for developing markets. The plants will grow up to 170 cm high indoors but are semi compact when grown outdoors and not pruned. It will stand up well in areas where aphid carried Potato Virus Y is a problem.

Disease Resistance/Tolerance
Высокая устойчивость к болезням перца:
Potato Y: PVY-0
Potato Y: PVY-1
Tobamovirus- Tm:0


сладкого перца: Кубический красный
Hybrid: Да
культивирования: Открытый грунт, Закрытый грунт
Season: Весна, Лето, Осень
созревания: Ранний


растения: Закрытый
роста растения: Средний, Прочный


: Крупный
плода: Плотный